
Deliberately Growing Slow


Steve McLeod (


Discover how Steve McLeod is growing his startup slowly, why he chose a deliberately slow growth approach, and how he's doing it.

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About the guest

Topics discussed

Embrace Slow, Steady Growth:

  • Deliberate Growth Strategy: Steve McLeod advocates for a slow and steady growth approach as opposed to chasing rapid expansion. This philosophy promotes sustainability and reduces stress, making it a viable long-term strategy for businesses.
  • Growth Management: Rapid growth, while often celebrated, can lead to significant operational challenges and stress. By managing growth carefully and deliberately, businesses can avoid these pitfalls and remain stable.

Prioritize a Low-Stress Business Environment:

  • Minimizing Stress: Steve emphasizes the importance of creating a low-stress work environment. His past experiences, where stress manifested physically, taught him to change his approach to business and life, leading to a healthier and more sustainable work environment.
  • Practical Stress Management: Steve practices what he preaches by limiting his work hours to 3-4 hours per day, engaging in physical activity, and pursuing hobbies. These practices are not just optional but essential to maintaining a healthy balance and avoiding burnout.

Adapt to Evolving Market Demands:

  • Customer Feedback and Product Evolution: Steve highlights the importance of listening to customer feedback. Initially targeting small companies, his product evolved to meet the needs of larger enterprises, demonstrating the value of being flexible and responsive to market demands.
  • Target Audience Adaptation: As the customer base shifts or expands, it’s crucial to adapt the business strategy to accommodate these changes, ensuring the product remains relevant and valuable to a broader audience.

Maintain Work-Life Balance:

  • Personal Well-Being: Steve and his interviewer discuss the significance of balancing work with personal life. By structuring his workday to allow for personal time and well-being, Steve demonstrates how maintaining a work-life balance can contribute to long-term productivity and satisfaction.
  • Prioritizing Family: Steve stresses the importance of being present for family and structuring the business around personal priorities. This reinforces the idea that business success should not come at the expense of personal relationships and health.

Learn from Physical Health as a Stress Indicator:

  • Physical Manifestations of Stress: Steve’s experience with back pain as a result of stress serves as a reminder that physical health can be a key indicator of underlying stress. Addressing this through lifestyle changes and business restructuring can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being.

Customer-Centric Product Development:

  • Listen to Customers: A successful product is often shaped by the needs and feedback of its users. By actively listening to customer feedback and making necessary adjustments, a business can ensure its product stays relevant and continues to meet the evolving needs of its target market.
  • Product Evolution: The introduction of features like proxy voting in response to customer feedback from larger enterprises illustrates the importance of being adaptable and evolving the product based on user demands.

Reevaluate Traditional Growth Models:

  • Rethinking Rapid Growth: The podcast encourages listeners to reconsider the traditional emphasis on rapid growth. Slow and deliberate growth can lead to a more sustainable and manageable business model that avoids the stress and potential collapse associated with fast-paced expansion.

My favorite quote

"Slow and steady growth has kept us sustainable, manageable, and stress-free. It’s not the glamorous route, but it works."