Pawel Grabowski, owner of Stacking Pancakes.

Hey there, I'm Pawel

I'm the founder of Stacking Pancakes, and I'm here to tell you more about what this site is all about.

But first, a little backstory...

I’ve been working exclusively with early-stage startups since 2014, helping them build and scale their organic growth.

And month after month, I’d watch many founders struggling with a major challenge...

Many of them wouldn't (or couldn't) get an external help - perhaps from a consultant or an agency - to plan, implement, and scale SEO strategies for them.

Now, it makes perfect sense.

Not all startups are financially able to do so, for one. Hiring somebody, even a contractor for a limited time, can mean a serious financial undertaking, and not all startups are in a position to commit to that.

Similarly, many founders also prefer not to hand over such an important aspect of their company’s operations as growth to someone else.

This makes sense, too. The startup is your life's work, after all. It's what you've, most likely, poured all your resources, time, and effort into, and natrually, you want to control what happens with it all.  

Unfortunately, in either case, you end up with the same challenge: You must figure out how to implement SEO and build organic growth by yourself.

And that, usually, brings another problem…

Where do you go to learn and figure SEO out?

This is a problem because...

Most SEO advice you find online isn’t targeted specifically at startups, after all.

The web's filled with thousands of guides, blog posts, and videos that show you how to do SEO.

Unfortunately, most of them either approach SEO generically or target a completely different use case—e-commerce, local businesses, etc.

And yes, it’s true; many aspects of SEO are universal and apply as much to startups as they do to online stores or local businesses.

But there are also factors specific only to startups yet, you never learn about them from all those SEO guides.


I created Stacking Pancakes precisely to change that and offer you - a bootstrapped founder - a resource dedicated exclusively to your situation.

My vision for Stacking Pancakes is to be an ever-growing learning hub and knowledge base where bootstrapped founders could come to discover and learn:

What is Stacking Pancakes?

Stacking Pancakes is a learning hub for startup founders with all the knowledge they need to launch SEO strategies and kickstart their product’s organic growth.

It's that simple, but...

(And I really must make this clear)

...Stacking Pancakes isn’t just yet another content site, much like the countless such  resources you find online every day.

Oh no. Nope. Nuh-uh.

You see, every day since 2014, I have been doing what you’re trying to achieve right now.

As a startup SEO consultant, I’ve been helping founders like you position their products in front of the right audience, attract those people to their sites, and win them over.

All the information you see on Stacking Pancakes comes from my 14 years (and counting!) of experience in helping startups build strong search visibility and organic growth.

When you read about the best organic growth channels for startups, you can be sure that I've tried them all with clients, and we've established (through trial and error, may I add) what works and what doesn't.

When you watch me explaining homepage SEO, you know that I am not just passing theoretical knowledge. I have optimized (and even built) tens and tens of startup homepages, and used the techniques I describe in the video to position my clients' products within the right product categories and topics.

Who I am?

I mentioned quite a lot about me on this page already but I suppose it would make sense to give a proper introduction, too.

Portrait picture of Pawel Grabowski, owner of Stacking Pancakes.

My name is Pawel Grabowski. I am a startup SEO consultant specializing in helping early-stage startups kickstart their organic growth and launch successful SEO programs.

And I bring quite a lot of experience to the table:

Since 2010, I worked with countless early-stage startups helping them overcome these and many other issues.

I helped companies like Userlist, Refiner, Wisepops, ConsentKit, Seedtable, Postpone, Bommer, SuggestionOx, Paycove and many others launch their SEO programs and begin building their organic growth engines.

I also helped startups like Castos, Abyssale, Keeping, and others scale their already significant search visibility.

You can learn more about me from my business site here.

What you can expect from Stacking Pancakes?

Growing a startup is a complex endeavor.

There isn’t just one thing that you can do and be sure of your success. Different strategies work for different startups, and because of that, on this site, I focus on several aspects of learning startup growth:


Let's face it; Nothing shows you what you could be doing to grow your startup better than hearing other founders’ stories, learning about their challenges, and seeing how they’ve overcome those.

And so, the site features candid chats with founders about their growth journeys. We discuss how they’ve been growing their startups, the challenges they faced, their ups and downs, and even how these founders plan to take their startup growth further.


There is no simple way to grow a startup. Every strategy or technique that you want to implement requires an in-depth know how to even get started.

That's why the site features a whole library of video guides that show you exactly how to implement various SEO and digital marketing strategies to grow your startup.


Our strategy breakdowns show you what’s worked (and what didn’t) for startups like yours. In a nutshell, these offer you a quick glance at what startups like yours have been doing so far to grow and boost user acquisition.

Worth noting - All breakdowns are self-reported by the startups. I do not make any assumptions or try to reverse engineer their success. As a result, these are the most relevant and accurate portrayals of how other startups build their growth.


The site also includes lists of tools for different aspects of SEO and startup marketing strategies. This way, you don’t have to waste time trying to figure out what tools or software to use, etc.

Finally, the site features frameworks, workflows, and templates that will help you get started pretty quickly and much more.

It really is every…darn….frigging….thing you need to grow your startup by yourself.
