Hey there...
My name is Pawel Grabowski. I am a startup SEO consultant specializing in helping early-stage startups develop and deploy successful SEO programs.
Learn more about me or hire me to run SEO for your startup.
Pawel Grabowski
It's true - Sometimes Google ranks a wrong page for a keyword.
Sometimes it's intentional (translation: you messed something up.) Other times, it's a (often temporary) mistake.
Unfortunately, in either case, since this really is a wrong page ranking, it never ranks as well as a correct page could.
But you can correct it.
Here's how.
What we’ll cover:
So, let's do it.
The easiest way to explain this is by showing.
So, for example, I recently noticed this very issue in my ranking report:
The page targets a well-defined phrase - writing SEO-friendly headlines.
If you look at the content, you’ll see quickly that there can’t be any confusion regarding what the page is about. I made sure that it communicates it quite clearly right from the start. I never veered off topic in the content even once.
The damn thing is 100% about writing SEO-friendly headlines.
Yet, as you can see, a completely irrelevant page that shows up in rankings – It’s the second page of the blog’s archive.
Now, to be fully transparent, the issue must have been a blip on Google’s side this time. The wrong page ranked for a day only; after that, everything went back to normal. One factor that immediately revealed that the issue mightn’t be because of my doing was the sudden massive ranking drop - 68 spots. The next day, the page went back to its usual page one ranking.
This was lucky.
But sometimes, it's not because something happened on the search engine's side. And in those times, the issue usually persists week after week after week, to some pretty serious consequences:
In fact, the wrong page, most likely, doesn’t rank anywhere (or it’s far from the first page, at least.)
It’s not relevant enough to warrant ranking high in SERPs. Or at least, it's not as relevant as the correct page that should be ranking.
As a result, either page pretty much do nothing for you:
Unfortunately, there's more...
Even if the page manages to attract some impressions, it, most likely, doesn’t entice users to click it.
Once again, it’s not relevant to the search intent.
The SERP listing, based on the meta-title and meta-description tags, doesn’t relate to the topic the person’s interested in either.
And so, still, no one clicks to your page.
With low rankings and CTR comes hardly any benefit of showing up in SERPs.
You get no search traffic, fewer signups, leads, sales…
In short, a bit of a disaster.
There are actually three such scenarios:
Homepage plays an incredibly powerful role in your SEO. It attracts the most visitors and serves as the entry point for all branded searches.
Why, because, providing that you’ve optimized it well, it will rank for your business name or brand, along category keywords.
Seeing other assets, often loosely related to your brand or business name, appearing in SERPs for branded searches suggests the issue.
Another scenario – A page you’ve created a long time ago is still in the SERPs. Yet that new, fresh and more in-depth content you’ve published on the topic recently is nowhere to be found though.
Both pages might be targeting the same keyword, which might suggest another problem – keyword cannibalization. But if you’ve done everything well, the newer page should be ranking, nonetheless.
You can see this particular issue in the screenshot I included above.
In spite of having a proper page dedicated to the topic and targeting the keyword, Google decided to rank a blog archive, a page with hardly any value at all, suddenly.
For the purpose of this guide, I’m going to assume that you know what your most valuable Google queries are.
(If not, you can identify them in the Google Search Console easily. Log in to your GSC account. In the left sidebar, click on Performance. GSC should display the Queries report by default. If not, select it from the main column top navigation.)
With the list of queries at hand, check what pages rank for those in Google.
Most rank tracking tools show the landing page, the first search result on your domain they’ve encountered in SERPs
Note, they can refer to it differently, though. My rank tracker calls it URL.
Other software I have access to calls it Indexed URL and requires you to click into the keyword to see it.
Nonetheless, the ranking URL is there somewhere in the ranking report.
All you have to do with this information is to assess whether that’s the page you wanted to rank for the keyword.
When reviewing queries, click on the specific search term in the Google Search Console, and then, change the targeting to Page (in the top nav menu again.)
GSC will show you which pages show up in SERPs for that phrase.
Note that at times you may see more than one page in the report. That’s why I prefer to look at the ranking report as it includes the topmost page.
Finally, you can simply use your key phrases in the search engine to evaluate which of your pages will show up.
I admit that it’s a good process as any. Well, maybe except for the manual labor it requires. It could also provide irrelevant data if your location and target market don’t match.
But all things considered, it’s an as good method as any other.
Each of the methods I listed above reveals which page is ranking for your target keywords now. However, as you’ve seen from my example above, the ranking URL could be a blip. So, I always recommend you also review the ranking history per keyword, if you have access to it.
Here’s another example from my site. Notice how an irrelevant page jumped into SERPs, then disappeared again.
I honestly can’t explain why Google switched from one page to another temporarily. However, reviewing the ranking history tells me that this was nothing but a blip.
That said, if the other, irrelevant page had stuck as the main ranking URL, I’d know that I have a problem.
You need to do two things (and choose one of the three potential actions):
Actually, the first thing to do is to check whether there is a relevant (or better, if you will) page to rank for the keyword.
If so, can Google crawl it at all? Can the page be blocked by the Robots.txt file? Run the page by a web crawler to find out.
For example, when evaluating a client’s site lately, I discovered their main content resulting in an error code.
Clearly, a page that doesn’t exist (or cannot be crawled) won’t rank, right?
But the solution isn’t always as simple as getting Google to crawl and index the content, unfortunately.
Often, you have to dig deeper into the issue. Here’s how.
Evaluate how you interlink to the page. Can the Googlebot access it when crawling the site at all? Even if so, how many “jumps” would it have to make to get there?
I’ve found that, sometimes, linking to the page from a higher-level asset (a page closer to the homepage in the site’s architecture) does the trick too.
Review (honestly) if the page is good enough to rank.
Now, I admit that this is a bit controversial method but at times, you have to honestly assess whether the content you’d like to rank is, in fact, authoritative enough for Google to pick it.
The above has nothing to do with how you’ve optimized the content. I’m talking about the information you’ve included. Does it match the user intent for that keyword? Does it provide the information people would want to find there?
You can assess it by comparing your content with top-ranking pages for the keyword.
Visit pages ranking on Google’s page one, make a note of what type of information they provide (hint: I typically list all their sections and look for commonalities) and check their format too.
Within minutes you’ll know how close or far off from them is your page.
Updating or rewriting the page then if often enough to convince Google that this is the asset that should rank for the keyword.
Let’s assume that you do have a better page for the keyword. Google can rank it too and you have ensured that it matches the user intent.
What’s next?
First of all, you need to boost its authority. I recommend you try three things:
Ideally, link to it from either the homepage or any page that’s close to it in the site’s architecture (level 2 or 3, no further) to pass the most link juice to the page.
These phrases will help Google understand the page’s topic more precisely. In turn, the search engine should see the actual keywords for which the page should rank.
Backlinks will confirm the page’s authority, after all. Sure, it might require launching a link building campaign so do it if the page is really worth it.
But what if anything you've done failed to correct the issue? What if, in spite of doing all of the above, a wrong page still ranks for your target keyword?
Well, then, the last option is to get rid of that less relevant page.
However, I wouldn’t advocate deleting it. The page is ranking already. Google considers it a valuable resource (although for a wrong keyword.) It suggests that you can use this page to drive traffic, nonetheless.
You’ll have to try two things with it, though.
Hope that shed some light on how to overcome the issue when a wrong page is ranking for the keyword.
Good luck!
Hey there...
My name is Pawel Grabowski. I am a startup SEO consultant specializing in helping early-stage startups develop and deploy successful SEO programs.
Learn more about me or hire me to run SEO for your startup.